so i have decided to share little bits of my notebook
from my birthday
from my birthday

the strangest thing happened. i was walking through the marais and saw a folded up piece of paper on the sidewalk. i passed it, but something kept making me think about it and suddenly i ran back to it and picked it up. i know it sounds gross but it was definitely the most interesting thing that happened to me that day once i opened it (besides, of course, the VERY shocking thai massage...i won't go into detail)!

the letter reads:
il était une fois, au pays des Jeans, un Monsieur que s'appelait Jean-Martin voulait se marier avec Jean-Alphonse! Mais au pays des Jean, les Jean était homophobes alors ils ne pouvraient pas se marier!
il était une fois, au pays des Jeans, une Jean canon Jean-Margoux; une Jean a gros seins Jean-Estelle; une Jean amorescque avec yeux bleus; Jean-Lea; une Jean cochonne; Jean-Clara; une Jean roucoulante; Jean-Rebecca; une Jean maime; Jean-Lucie, une Jean en surpoids; Jean-Emma, une Jean moche; Jean-Aurélie. Et, dans ce pays des jeans
and it stops.
weird, isn't it?
i love it. i hope it doesn't say anything too vulgar. my french is horrible.
on another note, a great note, i got this postcard in the mail from jaime!!! i was so excited to recieve a postcard on my birthday!

thank you jaime, i love those gardens! :) yours is in the mail, though it's a bit big, so it may take some time to reach you...
so the rest of the bday-day was a bit of a blur, between the thai massage, the crazy vintage clothing stores, the letter, the horrible sushi restaurant (for those of you at home who know my birthday tradition- it failed miserably this year. it was like eating cardboard KFC.), the flowers we bought in a miniature bucket that smell like wet towels but are SO cute...
etc. etc.
it's time to cook some dinner and watch french tv.
a bientot...