today was successful. my first time printing in the cyanotype process was fantastic. i'm too shy to scan anything yet, but i feel good things about this process. i can't wait to start experimenting with plants & other strange things i can use as a negative. it excites in me feelings that i forgot existed, as i have gotten lost in the 'digital' world lately... which tends to eat up my energy, encourage frustration, and ultimately, end in dissatisfaction. maybe i am meant for something older, more tactile, and process-based.
also! i received a long-awaited package in the mail (long-awaited being an understatement): hasselblad. and let. me. tell. you. i can hardly wait to get out there and start taking pictures! my excitement is exceeding my ability to sit still and read the manual, but i must be smart about this and learn slowly and carefully.
here are a few photographs from my recent trip to brooklyn. i've been meaning to scan all my negatives but uuuuuugg it takes forever. i think i will have to reconsider getting them professionally scanned, because the dust bits and quality are maybe notsogood.