today was a long day, full of lots of dreaming about:
- 01. farming. this season always gets my mind racing in the direction of another life. i can attribute much of this to the fact that november brings the royal agricultural winter fair to my home city. this fair is one that i have grown up with; from visits with my parents as a little girl, to visits with my ninth grade drawing class to sketch animal portraits, and up to the past few years with my new-found goal of meeting/picking the brains of farmers.
last winter, i came home with: my name in a draw for a free alpaca baby, about four zillion information pamphlets on fibre farming, information on how to join the ontario alpaca association, and one pretty great farmer friend. sadly, i did not win the alpaca baby. probably for the best, though... (for the time being!) - 02. albumen printing. my dear friend & pen pal amanda came by today to share with us some of her work in albumen. i've recently been working with cyanotype and van dyke processes and have been more or less infatuated, but seeing amanda's work today confirmed my desire to get my hands dirty in the nasty, stinky, old egg process that is albumen printing.
i can't seem to get enough of historical processes (as mentioned in previous post), and amanda's process-based mindset for her work keeps inspiring me to keep better notes and keep exploring the exciting historical processes world (see: this book).
i guess i'll also add to that, make a list of goals.
these beautiful images are created by and belong to zoe schaeffer