please help me grow a summer book list! suggestions would be greatly appreciated, via any internet-technology OR, even better, letter.
you may also want to explore this post by liane about david carr smith, play around on this silly and intelligent website, or maybe poke around this ridiculously cute doggie photo collection... typical of me, i know!
i'm trying to be less internet-involved and get my feet in some soil this summer (which begins today for me). i am working on some new personal projects that i think i may share once in a while, if i can get my act together and figure out how to work my scanner. in that event, i will *hopefully* make time to upload some of my work from the past semester so certain-someones will believe me that i actually do go to school and make "stuff".
i think this book list should also keep me pretty tied up, as well as four (maybe five) weddings, two summer courses, a newly built cottage at the lake, friends returning home, farm visits, and copious amounts of antique market trips, among other things.
so, see you soon, eventually, then.